Lucy is the #1 Australian Shepherd for 2013 in the United States Australian Shepherd Association , the "other" association affiliated with the AKC, in the 20" Excellent Fast class. Lucy is loved and owned by Bill and Pat Doan of Knoxville, TN. She, also, earned her AKC Master Jumpers Gold title in September 2014. Not too shabby for a 10 year old dog. Guess she has lived up to her registered name Radikel Ima Big Deal Lucille. Bill and Pat love Lucy for sure, win or lose. Congratulations Lucy - you go girl!
From tnASC member Carol Jeffery:
My special girl Hobby winning third place at the 2017 ASCA Nationals in a very competitive 7-9 Veteran Bitch class. It is hard to believe Hobby is a Veteran. Thank you Trisha Herring for this memorable win. I am honored from the bottom of my heart.
Congratulations Carol and Hobby!
Scenes from Gray TN conformation shows - November, 2017.
From tnASC member Jayme Hicks:
Linda Lou was the fastest Australian Shepherd in Fast Cat in 2016. She loves it!
In 2017, she earned her ASCA Champion title and AKC points with a BoB placing. These titles contributed to her dam and kennel achieving Hall of Fame status in 2017.
More importantly, she exposed me to situations and people I would have never experienced and was always - always happy to see me come home. Love this sweet girl! Aussies Rock!!
Registered name: Revelaire Give Me Three Steps
Breeder: Dawn Williams
From tnASC member Pam Miller:
CH Fiddlers Green Buckshot RSA-O JSA-E CD
Championship on October 1, 2017
CD on May 5, 2018.